
Our menu of stormwater services includes several options priced according to flat rates to make budgeting more predictable and assist contractors in submittng bids on projects.
Provide us with the project number and/or plan and we will send a one-sheet cost estimate detailing the entire menu of services we offer. The contractor can then choose the stormwater services to be provided.
Our services offer many extra features that other consulting and engineering firms do not supply. Our focus is helping the client stay in compliance and ensure our stormwater management plans keep the project operating smoothly.
Increased enforcement of stormwater regulations is relatively new for the construction industry. Our goal is to create a better understanding of the scope of services we offer and how they will help a contractor stay in compliance. We make available, at no cost, consultation meetings about our services and the expenses associated with proper stormwater compliance on a project. It is important that the entire project team understand the importance of environmental regulations and the large negative impact it could have if compliance requirements are not met or not included in the cost structure from the commencement of the project.
Listed below are some of our main services. Call us for prices and detailed services plans for each item below or for added services that may be required. We lower fees to those that use our services exlusively.
1.0 Stormwater Permit & Plan (SWPPP)
SWPPP plan is updated once-per-month and based on the inspections conducted. Includes a permit (if required) and termination or permit (if required). Includes 24/7 website page and notification sign at the project site as required in regulations.
2.0 Inspections
Once-a-week inspections conducted and updated on the website for review on the webpage. Rainfall data and photos performed. Client contacted should there be any concerns. Archived and updated in the SWPPP reports.
3.0 Erosion Control Supplies
Provide supplies for erosion and sediment control. Silt fences (DOTD grade), hay-rolls, tire washes, concrete wash-outs and hydro-seeding are among some of the BMP products. Call us for a full listing of supplies we can provide. We have a listing of innovative techniques and products that are new to the market that may help you achieve a specific goal for erosion control.
4.0 Erosion Control Installation
Installation performed on a linear foot or time scale. Silt fencing trenched and hay rolls (wattles) can be delivered and set-up on-site. Plan review and quotation based on each specific project.
5.0 Erosion/Sediment Control Maintenance
Insuring areas that need maintenance are performed throughout a project's life. Silt fense breaks are repaired and additional erosion control in key areas as required. BMP modifications and removal/recycling of products are performed as necessary.